"Our students will become numerate individuals who are able to reason mathematically, make deductions and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems in the wider world."
In Key Stage 3, students are banded and then broadly set according to ability with the middle sets being mixed ability. Students complete a course which covers programmes of study identified in the National Curriculum, tailored to their level of ability. The key foci are Mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Links to the White Rose Schemes of learning can be found here:
Year 7: Year 7 Maths
Year 8: Year 8 Maths
In Key Stage 4, students are set on the basis of ability.The sets are banded and the students complete the Pearson Edexcel GCSE course which covers programmes of study identified in the National Curriculum, tailored to their level of ability. The key foci are Mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
A link to the Pearson Edexcel Course Specification can be found here:
GCSE Specification in Mathematics
The programmes of study cover the National Curriculum areas of number and algebra, shape, space and measures and handling data.Opportunities for using and applying mathematics are included in each of these areas. The content taught within each ability band does overlap somewhat, however the main focus is to ensure that the foundation of knowledge and skills is there to allow further progression in a student’s mathematical understanding.
We aim to inspire and enthuse pupils through the use of real-life examples and mathematical skills which are relevant to their lives while, at the same time, putting in place sound practice and logical approaches to be used throughout their education. Students are encouraged to develop their mathematical and thinking skills through a variety of activities and learning approaches.
Links to the White Rose Schemes of Learning in Years 9, 10and 11 can be found here:
Year 9: Year 9 Maths
Year 10: Year 10 Maths
Year 11: Year 11 Maths
Each student has access to Sparx Maths www.sparxmaths.uk and work is set each week for students to complete.
Students’ usernames are their first name followed by their last name with no spaces. If students forget their passwords, they can recover these by requesting a password reset with their date of birth.
At the end of each unit of work in the scheme of learning, students are required to complete a low stakes assessment which is then reviewed. If a student needs extra support following this, they are either given extra in-class support or given extra help in a small group with our learning mentor for mathematics or with the Achievement Director for mathematics.
For students in years 10 and 11, there is the opportunity to study the AQA level 2 Certificate in Further Mathematics and in Key Stage 3 students can take part in the United Kingdom Mathematics Trust Junior MathematicalChallenge.
Extra support is given to students in the form of Level 2 FunctionalSkills and in the Entry Level Certificate in Mathematics.
The GCSE course is taught and examined in two tiers,Foundation and Higher. There will be a significant proportion of non-structured and problem-solving questions in the exam which, for most students, represents an increase in difficulty from Key Stage 3.
The Mathematics GCSE will be assessed by three written papers at the end of Year 11. Each paper is one and a half hours and one of them is non-calculator. There is no coursework in GCSE Mathematics.
The Entry Level Certificate qualification is assessed by an exam and timed tasks in Year 11.
What could I move onto?
Most courses after GCSE require a grade 5 in Maths or above at GCSE.
The new GCSE exam will provide a good platform to study AS or A Level Mathematics. The very brightest students can study FurtherMathematics A/AS Level.
A good grade in GCSE Mathematics is widely valued by all employers as it tells them you are good at problem solving.
Examination Board: Pearson Edexcel