Chaplain's Welcome

Chaplain's Welcome

Welcome to Bishop Young Academy Chaplaincy!

My role as Chaplain is to offer our students pastoral and spiritual care, and to ensure that all our students feel welcome and part of our school family.

We are very fortunate at BYA to have our own chapel. This is a quiet room set aside for prayer, thought, and reflection, which is open to all our students of any faith or none. The Chapel is open to students Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays; breaktimes, lunchtime and after school. We offer a variety of acitivities such as bible study, discussion groups, crafting sessions, prayer support and a listening ear.

The chapel is a place to come and pause, be yourself, and feel welcome.

At BYA, students are given the opportunity to pause each day, to participate in worship, assemblies and collective worship each week. Students are warmly invited to be part of the planning process of worship, as well as take an active part in its delivery as readers, speakers, musicians or singers.

As a school community, we are committed to developing leaderships skills within our students and look for opportunities to enable them to contribute to projects within the local community, and to broaden their horizons, through working alongside other schools and organisations.

With love,

Ms Bond
School Chaplain