Trust Welcome

Welcome to the website for Abbey Multi Academy Trust.  We hope to use this website as one element of communication in our drive to fulfil our mission

‘To work in partnership to educate, nurture and empower.’

We hope the website will enable you to discover the ways in which Abbey MAT stretches pupils academically, supports them pastorally and helps them to develop socially and spiritually.

At Abbey Multi Academy Trust we are passionate about making a difference to the lives of all our children. They are at the heart of everything we do and we strive to inspire learners and change their lives as a result of our educational provision. We want all our schools to be the best they can be and for each child and young person to discover the skills, abilities, talents and interests that lie within them as well as giving them safety, security and the skills they will need to be active, responsible citizens and happy, caring adults in the future.  

At Abbey Multi Academy Trust we are committed to making a difference to the lives of the children and young people within our academies.  We aim to provide an environment which is welcoming, caring, calm, disciplined and purposeful and will stretch our young people academically, support them pastorally and help them develop socially and spiritually.

We are committed to raising the skills base across our communities by ensuring a focus on quality, encouraging innovation and strengthening the ethos of the academies as distinctive schools. The framework will strive to maintain academies which will retain their own independent culture and ethos whilst operating within a strategic partnership to improve quality, share best practice and operate effectively and efficiently.

The primary and secondary schools within Abbey Multi Academy Trust are prepared to truly collaborate. The schools have a desire to question, change and innovate to ensure that what they provide enables our children to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.

We work as active partners both formally, as part of our growing Multi Academy Trust and informally, in the collaborative work we do with the Diocese, local universities, local and national business and our local community.

We welcome you to explore our website or visit our individual academy websites where you can learn more about our aim to work in partnership to educate, nurture and empower.