
The Governing Body is made up of individuals who are representative of different sections of the academy and the local community. Some are elected by parents and staff while the rest are appointed by the Trust; their term of office lasts for 4 years, after which they will need to be re-appointed if they wish to continue being a Governor. The Board of Governors works with the principal to secure the delivery of education in the school suitable to the needs, ages and abilities of the pupils. Becoming a governor is a way of contributing to your local school and learning new skills.

Who can become a school governor?

An outstanding Governing Body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school or academy. OFSTED (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools clearly demonstrate effective leadership and management, of which Governance is a vital part.

As a Governing Body we are continually looking out for individuals who are committed to seeing  Bishop Young CofE Academy continue to improve so that our children gain the necessary skills they need to be able to make aspirational choices in the future. We need people who are able to look at our academy strategically, who are able to support the leadership but also provide appropriate challenge. Our purpose is always to help the academy improve its performance, and therefore improve outcomes for the children in our community.

In particular, we are looking for individuals who can provide an important link with the local community, as well as having business and management skills and experience. You do not need to be an expert in education, but someone who is not afraid to consider issues and ask questions that will challenge and hold the academy leadership to account.

In turn, we hope that becoming a Governor will enable you to strengthen existing skills and develop new ones, as well as providing an opportunity to contribute positively to the children and families in our local community.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor, and would like to know more, please contact one of the people listed below:

Mr. Paul Cooper - Executive Principal                                                                  
0113 273 9100                                                                                 

Current Governors

Honor Byford – Co-Chair of Governors (Trust appointed)

Term of office - 01/05/2021 – 30/04/2025


Sally Robinson - Co-Chair of Governors (Trust appointed)

Term of office - 02/07/2022 – 01/07/2026

Reverend Anne Russell – Clergy (Ex Officio)

Appointed - 21/11/2022

Term of Office - N/A

Libby Ashworth – Staff Governor

Term of office - 04/05/2022 – 03/05/2026

Donna Dyson - Parent Governor

Term of office 21/06/2023 - 20/06/2027

Paul Cooper – Principal (Ex Officio)

Appointed - 01/09/2017

Term of office – N/A

Rachael Lacey-Cole – Principal (Associate Governor)

Appointed - 01/09/2020

Term of office – N/A

Laura Lister - Governor (Trust-appointed)

Term of Office - 07/02/2024 - 06/02/2028

Stepped down in last 12 months:

Neil Stott – Governor (Trust appointed)

Term of office - 03/10/2021 – 09/01/2023

Emmal Lemdani - Governor (Trust appointed)

Term of office - 03/10/2021 – 03/01/2023

Christine Clarke - Governor (Trust appointed)
Term of office: 19/02/2021 - 21/07/2023

Tessa Mason– Chair of Governors (Trust appointed)

Term of office - 01/05/2021 – 16/06/2023

Debbie Lamb - Governor (Trust appointed)
Term of office 27/06/2023 - 10/11/2023

Hayley McNeill – Staff governor

Term of office - 21/11/2022 – 29/02/2024