Miss A Bettley

Hello, my name is Miss Bettley and I currently serve the cohort of year 8 as Head of Year at Bishop Young Academy. I will remain with this cohort, guiding them through their academia until Year 11. My ultimate role as Head of Year 8 is to function as the lynchpin between home and school. In short, I am you, and your child’s, ‘go to person’ for the next five years. Through transparent communication with home, plus your support, my primary objective for this year group is to guide and equip them with the tools they need to achieve, and exceed, their projected potential, both academically and socially. I strongly believe that every child, irrespective of their background, deserves to be placed on an equal playing field, and to have presented to them, opportunities which enable their future aspirations. While important, school is farther encompassing than the grades our students leave us with; it provides the framework for a transformative period of growth and development, and it is my job to help them navigate this. Should you or your child have any concerns; be that academically, socially, or emotionally, please do not hesitate to contact me at abettley@bishopyoungacademy.co.uk

Miss A Bettley
Year Leader for Year 9